The reason why you found our website is because we were able to get our business listed on the first page.
Most people think that getting on the first page is magic.
They think it's magic because they don't understand the process of SEO. If your website is optimised correctly (both on page and off page), there's no reason why your website shouldn't be on the first page.
Most people claim to understand how the search engines work but have no rankings to show for it. It's kind of like claiming you know how to swim, but you can't swim. Makes no sense right?
If you're on this page and you're reading this, chances are that you're looking to grow your business.
There's no point in talking about how effective SEO is and how it's helped our clients generate a substantial ROI. I'd like to spare you the details of why Search Engine Optimisation is so perfect and instead explain how it works and why you should care.
SEO is the process of optimising a website so that it is as relevant as it can be in the eyes of the search engines.
Relevant for what you may ask?
Whatever business you're in and wherever your business is based, there are certain keywords you will want to rank for in order to attract your ideal customers. For example you found us because you were searching for SEO services in Marble Arch.
By ranking for similar keywords, we were able to position our selves so that when people (you) searched for an SEO company, you found us.
This works the same way for any other type of business. Whether it's a dental practice in Chelsea or a Traditional Italian Pizzeria in Marble Arch, the same principles apply.
We've helped clients all over London and the rest of the world secure some of the most sought after keywords available on the search engines.
Once you know which keywords you want to go after, you can draw up a detailed plan to help you navigate your way to the first page.
Your plan must include the following:
Competitor research (get this wrong and you'll be going around in circles not knowing how to over take your competitors)
It's important to understand where your competition is at and how well they are optimised for the keyword you are going after. This way you can pin point and plan out exactly how you can beat them.
An SEO expert will know how to analyse competition and manufacture a custom made plan which can be used to keep track of progress.
One of the worst things you can do is to start optimising your website without knowing what needs to be put into the project to get the desired results.
It's like trying to pass a test without studying. If you want that A, you're going to have to study your competition and make sure you understand where they stand.
There are certain tools and software out there which can help you analyse competition. Two really good ones are Moz and SEMrush
These tools can help you understand the battle you're about to get yourself into. In order to be victorious, you'll want to make sure you're well prepared.
Whilst analysing your competition, you may also come across new keyword ideas which you may not have thought about before. This will enable you to go after even more keywords, thus helping you drive more traffic to your website.
The most important thing to remember about optimising your website is that the search engines want to showcase the sites that are the most relevant to a particular keyword.
If your website is better optimised than your competitors, and the search engines decide that your site is relevant, your website will be listed on the first page.
Just by remembering that the search engines look for relevance more than anything, you'll be able to optimise your website in a way which catches the attention of the search engines.
So, whats the next step?
Most people will tell you that you need a pretty site and that your content must be amazing.
This will help, but it's not what you should focus on to increase the relevance of your site.
Having a good looking website will help with conversions. But remember that the search engines cannot see your website. They can only read what's written on them. So even though it's beneficial to have a good looking website, it's not a crucial factor in ranking a website on the first page.
The same goes for content. Even though good content can draw visitors to your website, it's not always what gives you the greatest relevance in the eyes of the search engines.
A lot of the "best practices" for SEO are watered down advice that everyone seems to be applying but nobody seems to be getting any results from.
This is why most search engine marketing firms can't deliver results.
At Tip Top, our services are a little bit different. Our main focus is results and we get results. After all, you found our website on a search engine right?
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